Class of 1960 |
Wayne Memorial High School - Class of 1960
Class officers:
Muriel Coole - President
Sandra Bennett - Vice President
Margie Perry - Secretary
Kay Nowaczck - Treasurer
David Pugh - Publicity Manager
Class Motto - "Duty is ours: results are God's"
Class Colors - Red & White
Class Flower - Red Rose
Class Sponsors:
Mrs. Amelia Weidenbach
Mr. Donald Douglas
Graduating Class Size - 447
Those classmates attending the reunion are:
John Bergman
Veral Bolllinger
Penny BRITTON Kolloff
Russell N. Clair
John Coleman
Muriel COOLE Waldschmidt
Dennis Crimboli
Marsha CROSS Lear
Charles Docusen
George Gord
Shirley GRIMOLDBY Matheny
Pamela HAYDEN Ross
Vince Hernandez
Priscilla HUGHES Crider
Sallie [JACOBS] Jaworski
Janice JOHNSON Logan
Linda JONES Hayes
Ronald Klann
Judy [LEATHERMAN] Howton
Phyllis LEE Huff
Fred Lindon
Bonnie LOVENE Jewell
Sharon MATEVIA Wodarski
James McDonnell
George Medeiros
Victory MELVIN Loomis
Connie MICHELS McKee
George Milosch
Donna MORGAN Flowers
Gerry MUNSON Darin
Gerald New
Carol [NEWMAN] Winger
Beverly OESTREICH Runyon
Joe Ostyn
Robert Pegram
Carol PHALEN Bates
Sharon Ann PHELPS Armstrong
John Pixley Jr
Carol [PLATTE] Chenault-Kelly
Janet QUINN McMurray
Linda N. RYAN Gipson
Ronald Sabourin
Claudette SAMPSON Suvada
Joyce SIMPSON Goble
Arden SMITH Ondrus
Claude Smith
Marilyn SWATHELL Sheldon
Dr. Sue Tenorio
James Tobey
Carolyn VETOR Beaufort
Susan VINCENT Roberts
John Whittier
Phyllis WISCH Lang
Norm Wise
Doreleen WOLFFORD Marlow
Charlotte WONELL Morton
Sharron WORTHY
Florence ZIMMERMAN Payeur
NOTE: If your name is SUPPOSED to be here and isn't, LET ME KNOW !!!!
(Bill Whitworth - Class of 1959)
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Date and time that this page was last updated
08/28/2000 12:50 AM